Sunday, May 6, 2018

Weekly Romanian Kukai 546

First Place – Cecilia Birca

skylarks -
the village teacher
lectures again on Icar

Second Place – Cristina Apetrei

Labour Day -
at the parade
only memories

Third Place – Argentina Stanciu

daisy field -
the shepherd’s purse
dead broke

Third Place – Valeria Tamas

express train -
hurrying to climb
the dandelions

Mention – Mihai Pascaru

mountains of rubbish -
a cherry tree being afraid
to bloom

Mention – Valeria Tamas

shaky deck -
passing over it safely
only the shadows

Mention – Luminița Ignea

orchard bearing fruit -
the scarecrow’s coat
only sparkles

Mention – Cecilia Birca

wedding picture -
right at the top of the brush
a ladybug