Monday, May 18, 2009
The results of the haiku Contest organized by the Haiku Journal (edition 2009)
The editing board of the Journal of Romanian-Japanese cultural interferences HAIKU has organized in the first semester of this year, the annual competition of haiku poems, edition 2009, with international participation.
It has received by e-mail or by mail a number of 554 haiku poems, belonging to 94 poets. From these number of 203 poems belonged to the Romanian poets and 351 poems belonged to the foreign poets.
The foreign poets have chosen for communication their own language and also English or French. The choice and the quality estimation of the haiku poems were made by the jury in three distinct sections. Finally, the prizes and honorable mentions were awarded to the sections Romanian, English and French.
The criteria for accepting poems are the requirements communicated in the notification of the contest: haiku following the formal 5-7-5 syllables per-line structure and original poems which were not published in newspapers, journal or in any other forms up to the date of the competition. Also, the most appreciated was the presence of the kigo, kireji in the poems, and the suggestive power of the poems.
The jury was composed of:
- President – the poet Radu Cârneci
- Members: the poets Paula Romanescu,Vasile Moldovan and Valentin Nicoliţov
The jury congratulates the poets that have been awarded a prize and thanks to all competitors for the participation.
The winner of the prizes and honorable mentions are:
Romanian Section
First Award – George BĂDĂRĂU, Iaşi
Altă ninsoare
în azilul de bătrâni…
poate ultima
Another snowfall
in the asylum of old people...
as it seems the last
Second Award – Ştefan G. THEODORU, Bădila
S-a dus bunicul-
acum doar stelele
păzesc ograda
Granda is gone -
lots of stars are still guarding
his farm every night
Third Award – Vali IANCU, Bucureşti
Cămin părăsit-
totul sub stăpânirea
Abandonated home -
all under the possession
of dandelions
Adina ENĂCHESCU, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
Totu-n ruină –
doar o fetiţă-i cântă
păpuşii rupte
All is in ruins -
only a girl sings for
the broken doll
Ioan MARINESCU PUIU, Cluj-Napoca
O libelulă
poposită pe bancă-
stau în picioare
A dragonfly
resting on the bench-
I stand up
Oprica PĂDEANU, Bucureşti
Trandafiri trecuţi-
un fluture amorţit
chiar în palma mea
Whitered roses -
a benumed butterfly
just in my palm
Mentions for senryu:
Florin GRIGORIU, Lehliu-Gară
Arşiţă mare-
cu brusturele pe cap
nici nu îmi pasă
Scorching heat -
with a bur instead of hat
I don’t care a straw
Ion UNTARU, Băneasa, Giurgiu
Câştigat pe stradă
pierdut până acasă
ultimul haiku
Won on the street
lost until home
the last haiku
French Section
Premier prix: Alexandra IVOYLOVA-Bulgaria
Nuages passants-
tantôt lumiere, tantôt l’ombre
sur le cimetière
Nori trecători-
când lumină. când umbră
peste cimitir
Second prix: Anna Do So TADJUIDEEN-Franţa
La première gelée-
petit ange de la fontaine
s’arrête de pisser
Primul îngheţ-
micul înger la fântînă
şi-opreşte jetul
Troisieme prix: Jessica TREMBLAY, Canada
Finis les cerisiers-
les touristes regardent
les cartes postales
Gata cireşii-
turiştii văd acum
doar cărţi poştale
Mention: Jean-Michel AUBRUN, Franţa
Coucher de soleil! Soare-n asfinţit!
L’epouvantail du verger, Sperietoarea în pomi
lui, este insensible
Soare-n asfinţit!
Sperietoarea din pomi
Mention: Aksinia MIHAILOVA, Bulgaria
Rue de Sofia.
Au-dessus les poubelles
acacias en fleurs
Stradă-n Sofia.
Peste pubele pline
salcâmi în floare
Mention: Frans TERRYN, Belgia
Village natal- Satul natal-
ou sont les épouvantails unde-s sperietorile
de mon enfance?
Satul natal-
unde-s sperietorile
de altădată?
de altădată?
English Section
First Award: Anatoly KUDRYAVITSKY – Irlanda
Aspen in the rain-
every leaf drip-dripping with
the sound of autumn
Un plop în ploaie -
în fiecare frunză
sunetul toamnei
Second Award: Ludmila BALABANOVA - Bulgaria
First kiss…
the scent of lime
reaches the stars
Cel dintâi sărut -
mireasma florii de tei
ajunge la stele
Third Award: Verica ZIVCOVIC – Serbia
Little bells tinkling-
from the coachman’s greysh beard
smell of melted snow
Clinchet de clopoţei -
în barba vizitiului
neaua topindu-se
Angelee DEODHAR – India
Late afternoon light-
hand-picked tomatoes
glow in her hand
Lumina serii -
roşiile culese
lucind în mâna ei
David McMurray – Japonia
Boy with autism
turns every leaf right side up
straight line pointing home
Băiatul autist
întoarce fiecare foaie
în direcţia casei
Barbara A. TAYLOR – Australia
My guard of honour-
on both sides of the bridge
a line of pelicans
Gardă de onoare -
de ambele părţi ale podului
şiruri de pelicani
Sasa VAZIC –Serbia
Frightened by
my mirrored image
a scarecrow
de înfăţişarea mea
o sperietoare
English translations for the Contest of Haiku Journal made by Vasile Moldovan.
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