“In a world troubled by problems, where daily life seems to mean only endless worries and tensions, to understand and write haiku can mean an escape to the island in the center of the inner universe, that secret place of one’s own Eden, from where nobody and nothing can banish us.
In order to create a haiku you need to stop running, to focus your attention on the details and to enter into dialogue with the so-called little things in life. Haiku is, beyond lyricism, a meditative state, a change of perspective and perception."
Asociaţia “TIME FOR ART” şi Complexul Muzeal “Iulian Antonescu” din Bacău, vă invită la vernisajul expoziţiei foto-haiku, “DECLIC ÎN SILABE”- ediţia a III-a, 2016.
Vernisajul va avea loc mâine, joi, 12 mai 2016, ora 17.00, în Galeria Hol a Complexului Muzeal “Iulian Antonescu” din Bacău.
Vă aşteptăm pentru un moment de relaxare în lumea fotografiei de natură şi a poeziei japoneze.
The Association "TIME FOR ART" and the Museum Complex "Iulian Antonescu" in Bacau, invite you to the exhibition of photo-haiku, "Moments of Revelation through Syllables" - Third Edition, 2016.
The opening will take place Thursday, May 12, 2016, 17:00, in Gallery Hall of the Museum Complex "Iulian Antonescu" in Bacau.
We are waiting for you to experience together a moment of relaxation in the world of nature photography and of Japanese poetry.
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